Duct Calculator computes the size of air channels through the constant pressure drop method.
The calculation is performed assuming that the pressure drop per unit length along the pipe is a constant.
The Øeq hydraulic diameter corresponds to the diameter of a circular channel that would cause the same loss of load of the real geometry, equal to resistance coefficient of the motion of the air.
After calculating the app will send to your e-mail address a text file with all the channels' branches calculated.
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">导管计算器通过恒定压降方法计算空气通道的大小。
计算的应用程序后,会发送到你的e-mail地址与计算所有通道的分行的文本文件。</div> <div class="show-more-end">